Bilingual Needs and Bilingual Pay Survey 2015 ...


From the dataset abstract

It is our goal to ensure that all Illinois residents can fully participate in civic life and can fully access the services provided by the State of Illinois that are vital for the health,...

Source: Bilingual needs and bilingual pay survey


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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
RespondentID text

SurveyMonkey assigned ID - Respondent

CollectorID text

SurveyMonkey assigned ID - Collection mechanism

StartDate text

Date survey begun - generated by SurveyMonkey

EndDate text

Date survey submitted - generated by SurveyMonkey

Agency text

State entity completing the survey

Agency_Rep text

Name of agency representative completing the survey

Phone_Num text

Phone number of agency representative completing the survey

Email text

E-mail address of agency representative completing the survey

Year text

Fiscal Year

1a_NumTranslate text

Please indicate the number of instances in which interpretation or translation of a source language into English was necessary to assist limited English-speaking clients. This would include phone calls and in person contact. (Note: Agencies should review their invoices for contracting translation services.)

1b_HowTracked text

How are these interactions tracked? Call log, case management software, online applications, limited English proficiency tracking practices etc.

1c_time_15 text

In approximately what percentage of those cases was the time commitment...? 15 minutes or less?

1c_time_60 text

In approximately what percentage of those cases was the time commitment...? 16 minutes to 60 minutes?

1c_time_half text

In approximately what percentage of those cases was the time commitment...? 61 minutes to half of a work day?

1c_time_more text

In approximately what percentage of those cases was the time commitment...? More than half of a work day?

1d_indepth text

What percentage of those cases required in-depth assistance? NOTE: For the purposes of this survey, in-depth assistance is defined as: more than a brief written translation (the transference of meaning from text to text), and more than speech translation for the purpose of facilitating dialogue; a commitment of extensive time and resources; the simultaneous or consecutive interpretation of complex concepts.

1e_MasterContract text

Did the agency utilize language interpretation services as provided by the State of Illinois Master Contract?

1f_MasterUseInstances text

If the answer is yes, please indicate the number of instances and the source language(s) for which those services were required. (Agencies should review the Master Contract Invoices).

1g_OtherServices text

In addition to the language interpretation services phone line; what other interpreter services, persons or organizations were utilized? Please include the number of all language interpretation service requests, and the source language(s) for which these services were required.

2_LangAssessmentConducted text

Does your agency conduct language assessment needs to determine the number of language option positions needed to provide effective services to clients who communicate in a language other than English?

3_NumBilingual text

If yes, how many bilingual positions were determined to be needed based on that assessment?

3a_CensusUsed text

Did your agency use census data?

3b_IntakeMeasured text

Did your agency measure number of languages involved at intake or benefit determinations issued to LEP clients?

3c_ConsentDecreeUsed text

Did your agency use consent decrees?

3d_TelephoneInterpreterUsed text

Did your agency use data from telephone interpreters?

4a_BilingualPaySupplement text

How many agency employees receive a bilingual pay supplement?

4b_UseBilingual text

Of those employees, how many have utilized bilingual skills within the past fiscal year?

4c_UseBilingualDaily text

What percentage of those employees used bilingual skills...? Every day?

4c_UseBilingualWeekly text

What percentage of those employees used bilingual skills...? At least once a week?

4c_UseBilingualMonthly text

What percentage of those employees used bilingual skills...? At least once a month?

4d_UseBilingualYearly text

What percentage of those employees used bilingual skills...? At least once a year?

5a_UnpaidBilingual text

Were there any agency employees that utilized language translation or interpretation skills to assist clients but did not receive a bilingual pay supplement?

5a_UnpaidBilingualDetail text

If the answer is yes, please list the number of employees, the employees’ position titles, and the language skills that were used, and the reason they did not receive the bilingual pay supplement.

5b_TempBilingualPay text

Were there any agency employees that received temporary assignment pay for utilizing bilingual skills?

5b_TempBilingualPayDetail text

If the answer is yes, please list the number of employees, the employees position titles, the duration of the temporary assignment pay and the language skills that were used.

6a_LangOptionNonVacant text

How many non-vacant agency positions subject to the provisions of the Personnel Code exist for which a language option is indicated on the position description?

6b_LangOptionVacant text

How many vacant agency positions subject to the provisions of the Personnel Code exist for which a language option is indicated on the position description?

6c_LangOptionNonCode text

Are there any agency positions not subject to the provisions of the Personnel Code that require language interpretation or translation skills?

6d_NumLangOptionNonCode text

If the answer is yes, please indicate how many the total number along with the total number filled by bilingual employees.

7a_LangOptionVacancies text

How many vacancy notices were posted for agency positions designated with language options?

7b_LangOptionVacanciesFilled text

Of those, how many positions were filled?

8a_LangOptionVacated text

How many agency positions designated with language options were vacated?

8b_LangOptionRevisedDelete text

How many agency positions designated with language options were revised to delete the language option?

8c_LangOptionRevisedWhy text

Why were these positions revised to delete the language option?

8d_LangOptionRevisedAdd text

How many positions were revised to add the language option?

9_BilingualPayRegion1 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 1

9_BilingualPayRegion2 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 2

9_BilingualPayRegion3 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 3

9_BilingualPayRegion4 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 4

9_BilingualPayRegion5 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 5

9_BilingualPayRegion6 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 6

9_BilingualPayRegion7 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 7

9_BilingualPayRegion8 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 8

9_BilingualPayRegion9 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 9

9_BilingualPayRegion10 text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region. Region 10

10_NumHispanicLatino text

Excluding signing/manual communication and Braille interpretation, of those agency employees receiving a bilingual pay supplement, how many are identified as belonging to the Hispanic or Latino ethnic category?

11_NumNonHispanicLatino text

Excluding signing/manual communication and Braille interpretation, of those agency employees receiving a bilingual pay supplement, how many are identified as belonging to a non-Hispanic or non-Latino ethnic category?

12_Signing text

Disregarding ethnic origin, how many agency employees receive a bilingual pay supplement for signing/manual communication interpretation skills?

13_Braille text

Disregarding ethnic origin, how many agency employees receive a bilingual pay supplement for Braille interpretation skills?

14_BilingualStaff text

Does your Agency have bilingual staff.

14a_PositionMethod text

What methods does the agency employ to determine the number of bilingual positions of all types needed to render effective service to its clients?

14b_SpanishPositionMethod text

What methods does the agency employ to determine the number of bilingual positions with Spanish language options needed to render effective service to its Spanish speaking clients?

14c_NoStaffMethod text

How does the agency determine that it does not require any bilingual staff?

15_SSAAcompliant text

Is the Agency compliant with the State Services Assurance Act?

15a_NumBiligualUnion2007 text

Enter the number of bilingual union staff as of June 30, 2007?

15b_NumBilingualUnionNow text

Enter the number of bilingual union staff as of June 30, 2017?

16_EnglishWebsite text

How many hits did your agency’s English language website receive in FY2017?

17_TranslatedWebsite text

Is your agency’s website translated into any languages?

17_TranslatedWebsiteLang text

If yes, list the translated websites and provide the total number of hits each website received in FY 2017.

18_Budget text

Please provide information regarding your agency’s bilingual employment budget allocations for FY 2017.

19_PublicContact text

Does your agency routinely engage in contact with the public?

20_LanguageFivePercent text

If your agency routinely engages in public contact, at least five percent of the time does the frontline staff encounter a language other than English (including sign language and braille)?

21_FacilityLanguagePercent text

For each facility with routine public contact, please have your frontline staff provide or estimate which languages they encountered at least five percent of the time during FY2017 in order of most frequently encountered to least. (For example, Facility #1: English (70%), Spanish (15%), Polish (5%), Mandarin (5%); Facility #2: etc.)

22_FacilityStaffPercent text

For each language (and its percentage) identified in Question 21, provide both: (a) the total number of frontline staff at that facility, and (b) the number of frontline staff at that facility who are bilingual in that language. (For example, Facility #1: Spanish (15%), 20 frontline staff / 10 bilingual in Spanish; Polish (5%), 20 frontline staff / 10 bilingual in Polish, ... Facility #2: etc.)

23_Notices text

Where in each facility does your agency post notices regarding the availability of bilingual services?

23_NoticesOther text

Other Locations

24_Languages text

In which languages are your agency’s notices posted regarding the availability of bilingual services?

24_LanguagesOther text

Other Languages

25_LangNotAvailable text

Please have your frontline staff provide or estimate the percentage of instances in FY2017 when bilingual services were requested but not available. List the languages in order from most requested to least.

26_LangProvidedOther text

Please have your frontline staff provide or estimate the percentage of instances in FY2017 when bilingual services were provided by someone not affiliated with your agency nor contracted with your agency to provide bilingual services (e.g., a family member/friend, another member of the public).

27_AssessmentLike text

What do you like most about your agency’s procedure for assessing how many bilingual staff members are needed and which languages bilingual staff need to know?

28_Certification text

By selecting I Agree below, I hereby certify (a) the accuracy of this agencys responses to the Bilingual Needs and Bilingual Pay Survey to the best of my knowledge after reasonable investigation, and (b) that these responses were reviewed and approved by the head of this agency before submission.

9_OldBilingualPayRegion text

Based on the Department of Human Rights regions please list the number of staff that receive bilingual supplemental pay in each region.

29_Recruit text

Does your agency have a designated liaison who works with the non English speaking community to recruit bilingual staff?

29a_LiaisonName text

If so, please provide the name.

1h_MasterUseFullCount text

Please enter the total number of instances of Master Contract use in part (f).

6a_LangOption text

How many agency positions subject to the provisions of the Personnel Code exist for which a language option is indicated on the position description?

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated January 7, 2020
Metadata last updated January 7, 2020
Created January 7, 2020
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
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