Native American Employment Plans Survey 2019
From the dataset abstract
The State Employment Plans are designed to provide increased access to state employment for African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic/Latino residents and will help to build a...
Source: African American, Asian American and Hispanic employment plan surveys
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
Agency | text | Agency |
Agency_Director | text | Agency Director or Secretary |
Respondant | text | Name of Individual Completing Survey |
Respondant_Title | text | Individual's Working Title |
Respondant_Phone | text | Individual's Phone Number |
Respondant_Address | text | Individual's Mailing Address |
Respondant_Email | text | Individual's Email Address |
1a_Underutilization_Administrators_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Officials and Administrators |
1b_Underutilization_Professionals_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Professionals |
1c_Underutilization_Technicians_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Technicians |
1d_Underutilization_ProtectiveServiceWorkers_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Protective Service Workers |
1e_Underuitilization_Paraprofessionals_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Paraprofessionals |
1f_Underutilization_AdministrativeSupport_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Administrative Support (Including Clerical and Sales) |
1g_Underutilization_CraftWorkers_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Skilled Craft Workers |
1h_Underutilzation_ServiceMaintenance_2018 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of July 1, 2018: Service-Maintenance |
2a_Underutilization_Adminitrators_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Officials and Managers |
2b_Underutilization_Professionals_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Professionals |
2c_Underutilization_Technicians_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Technicians |
2d_Underutilization_ProtectiveServiceWorkers_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Protective Service Workers |
2e_Underuitilization_Paraprofessionals_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Paraprofessionals |
2f_Underutilization_AdministrativeSupport_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Administrative Support (Including Clerical and Sales) |
2g_Underutilization_CraftWorkers_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Skilled Craft Workers |
2h_Underutilzation_ServiceMaintenance_2019 | text | Provide the total underutilization figures for Native Americans in the following EEOC Job Categories as of June 30, 2019: Service-Maintenance |
3_HR_HC | text | How many Human Resources staff are there in your agency? |
4_HR_HC_POC | text | How many of your agencyâ€TMs Human Resources staff are members of a minority group (not including women)? |
5_HR_HC_NA | text | How many of your agencyâ€TMs Human Resources staff are Native American? |
6_SeniorStaff_HC | text | As of June 30, 2019, how many staff members reported to the agency Director or Secretary? |
7_SeniorStaff_HC_NA | text | As of June 30, 2019, how many of the staff members who reported to the agency Director or Secretary were Native American? |
8_SenateConfirmed_HC | text | As of June 30, 2019, how many staff members were in positions requiring senate confirmation? |
9_SenateConfirmed_HC_NA | text | As of June 30, 2019, how many of those staff members who were in positions requiring senate confirmation were Native American? |
10_InterviewPanels_ct | text | How many Rutan interviews were conducted during fiscal year 2019? |
11_InterviewPanels_ct_POC | text | How many of those interview panels consisted of one or more people of color? |
12_InterviewPanels_ct_NA | text | How many of those interview panels consisted of one or more Native Americans? |
13_InterviewPanels_ct_white | text | How many of those interview panels were entirely White? (Please note: someone of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity should not be considered White for the purposes of this question.) |
14_Interviewers_HC | text | How many employees in your agency were certified to conduct Rutan interviews as of June 30, 2019? |
15_Interviewers_HC_NA | text | How many of the employees in your agency who were certified to conduct Rutan interviews as of June 30, 2019 were Native American? |
16_InterviewerParticipation_NA | text | How many of the Native American certified Rutan interviewers in your agency participated in at least one interview during fiscal year 2019? |
17_Seperated_HC | text | How many employees separated from your agency during fiscal year 2019 for any reason (e.g., retirement, resignation, layoff, discharge, transfer)? |
18_Seperated_HC_NA | text | How many of those employees were Native American? |
19_Hires_HC | text | How many employees did your agency hire during fiscal year 2019? |
20_Hires_HC_NA | text | How many of those employees were Native American? |
21_Interns_HC | text | How many paid interns did your agency hire during fiscal year 2019? |
22_Interns_HC_NA | text | How many of those interns were Native American? |
23_Hires_HC_vets | text | How many veterans did your agency hire during fiscal year 2019? |
24_Hires_HC_vets_NA | text | How many of those veterans were Native American? |
25_UnderutilizationDataUse | text | Does your agency take steps to make sure that underutilization data is used in recruitment efforts? |
26_UnderutilizationDataUse_details | text | If your agency takes steps to make sure that underutilization data is used in recruitment efforts, describe the steps taken. |
27_DiversityTraining | text | Did your agency provide diversity training during fiscal year 2019? |
28_DiversityTraining_topics | text | If so, please list the topics: |
29_BiasTraining_interviewers | text | Did your agency provide unconscious bias training to employees who participated in Rutan interview panels during fiscal year 2019? |
30_BiasTraining_HR | text | Did your agency provide unconscious bias training to Human Resources staff during fiscal year 2019? |
31_LiasonNACommunity | text | During fiscal year 2019, did your agency have a designated liaison to the Native American community? |
32a_NALiason_recruitment | text | If your agency had a designated liaison to the Native American community during fiscal year 2019, did that person have decision-making authority in the areas of (check all that apply): Recruitment |
32b_NALiason_hiring | text | If your agency had a designated liaison to the Native American community during fiscal year 2019, did that person have decision-making authority in the areas of (check all that apply): Hiring/promotion |
32c_NALiason_interviews | text | If your agency had a designated liaison to the Native American community during fiscal year 2019, did that person have decision-making authority in the areas of (check all that apply): Interviews |
32d_NALiason_policies | text | If your agency had a designated liaison to the Native American community during fiscal year 2019, did that person have decision-making authority in the areas of (check all that apply): Creating policies |
32e_NALiason_other | text | If your agency had a designated liaison to the Native American community during fiscal year 2019, did that person have decision-making authority in the areas of (check all that apply): Other (please describe) |
33_ProfessionalDevelopment | text | Did your agency offer professional development programs to employees during fiscal year 2019? |
34_UMP_HC | text | How many employees in your agency received tuition reimbursement and/or were enrolled in the Upward Mobility Program? |
35_UMP_HC_NA | text | How many of those employees were Native American? |
36_BiasTraining | text | Did your agency provide unconscious bias training during fiscal year 2019? |
37_Budget_NA | text | Does your agencyâ€TMs budget include an allocation for Native American employment? |
38_Positions_ct | text | How many positions for which you requested the new hire or promotion eligibility list can you report on? |
39_Position1_name | text | Position #1: Position Name |
40_Position1_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
41_Position1_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
42_Position1_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
43_Position1_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
44_Position1_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
45_Position1_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
46_Position1_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
47_Position1_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
48_Position1_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
49_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
50_Position2_name | text | Position #2: Position Name |
51_Position2_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
52_Position2_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
53_Position2_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
54_Position2_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
55_Position2_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
56_Position2_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
57_Position2_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
58_Position2_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
59_Position2_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
60_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
61_Position3_name | text | Position #3: Position Name |
62_Position3_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
63_Position3_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
64_Position3_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
65_Position3_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
66_Position3_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
67_Position3_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
68_Position3_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
69_Position3_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
70_Position3_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
71_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
72_Position4_name | text | Position #4: Position Name |
73_Position4_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
74_Position4_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
75_Position4_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
76_Position4_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
77_Position4_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
78_Position4_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
79_Position4_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
80_Position4_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
81_Position4_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
82_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
83_Position5_name | text | Position #5: Position Name |
84_Position5_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
85_Position5_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
85_Position5_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
86_Position5_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
87_Position5_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
88_Position5_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
89_Position5_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
90_Position5_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
91_Position5_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
92_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
93_Position6_name | text | Position #6: Position Name |
94_Position6_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
95_Position6_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
96_Position6_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
97_Position6_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
98_Position6_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
99_Position6_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
100_Position6_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
101_Position6_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
102_Position6_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
103_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
104_Position7_name | text | Position #7: Position Name |
105_Position7_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
106_Position7_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
107_Position7_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
108_Position7_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
109_Position7_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
110_Position7_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
111_Position7_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
112_Position7_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
113_Position7_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
114_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
115_Position8_name | text | Position #8: Position Name |
116_Position8_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
117_Position8_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
118_Position8_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
119_Position8_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
120_Position8_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
121_Position8_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
122_Position8_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
123_Position8_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
124_Position8_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
125_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
126_Position9_name | text | Position #9: Position Name |
127_Position9_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
128_Position9_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
129_Position9_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
130_Position9_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
131_Position9_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
132_Position9_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
133_Position9_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
134_Position9_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
135_Position9_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
136_MorePositions | text | Do you have another position for which you requested the CMS new hire eligibility list or promotional eligibility list? |
137_Position10_name | text | Position #10: Position Name |
138_Position10_type | text | Was this promotion on the New Hire list or on the Promotion list? |
139_Position10_candidates | text | Total number of candidates on the eligibility list |
140_Position10_candidates_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates on the eligibility list |
141_Position10_interviews | text | Total number of candidates from the list invited to interview |
142_Position10_interviews_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list invited to interview |
143_Position10_DidInterview | text | Total number of candidates who did interview |
144_Position10_DidInterview_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates who did interview |
145_Position10_offered | text | Total number of candidates from the list who were offered the position |
146_Position10_offered_NA | text | Total number of Native American candidates from the list who were offered the position |
147_Certification | text | By selecting I Agree below, I hereby certify that the above survey responses represent the Native American Employment Plan survey |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | August 8, 2020 |
Metadata last updated | August 8, 2020 |
Created | August 8, 2020 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
created | over 4 years ago |
datastore active | True |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | 51235ba1-ff15-4edf-83e8-96b51a128b2c |
on same domain | True |
package id | b70d41e5-d670-45ea-8485-660b575a81df |
position | 6 |
revision id | 20c90148-49e4-4685-bddf-dacd369bd96b |
state | active |
url type | datastore |