Budget vs Actual
Budget vs. Actual information from the City's Financial system. Each row of this dataset is a unique combination of fiscal year and accounting string. -
Urbana Nuisance Complaints
Nuisance complaints reported on properties in Urbana, with the type of complaint, resolution, and fine amounts. For privacy, addresses are anonymized to the block level. -
Urbana Permits
Community Development's Permitting activity since 1999. Each line in the dataset is a separate permit. Permits are classified by type (Mechanical, Plumbing, etc) and... -
Urbana Police Traffic Stops
The information is the same data transmitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) with two additions: the "Motivation for Stop", and the offense codes recorded.... -
Urbana Police Stop Sheets
Stop Sheet results from the City of Urbana, since the Stop Sheet collection began in 2016. Not all Stop Sheets are submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation... -
Urbana Police Incidents
Police incidents since 1988. Dates before that are incomplete - and could be data entry errors. Some addresses will not appear on maps because streets no longer exist or are not... -
Urbana Police Arrests
Arrests by the Urbana Police Department since 1988, with arrestee demographic data. Only the home city of the arrestee is available for mapping.